Why do we keep hearing everywhere that the high cholesterol is bad for us and we have to do everything to lower it down… Studies show that in the atherosclerotic plaque there is no sigh of the cholesterol! So why do many doctors and adverts say that too high cholesterol can cause heart attack or stroke. There were soo many more studies done proving the opposite. How CLEAR it is that we have a medical fraud where we are informed about a ‘must’ for lowering it down . Like I wrote in the prevoius post studies show there were over 12 substances found in the plaque( one of them were damaged polyunsaturated fats) but not the cholesterol. Would you believe there were NEVER EVER any tests done proving that the normal cholesterol level should be no higher than 200mg/dl… ! Now a funny and scary at the same time question comes up??? Why do doctors prescibe tons of medicines to lower it down just because they were told that it is what must be done if a patient has higher cholesterol than that norm?! A patient puts trust in his doctor and takes the medicine without hesitation, without having any idea how toxic and with full range of side effects this medicine is! One study show that a woman with cholesterol level higher than 240mg/dl HAS A SMALLER chance of heart disease! Surprised? I was when I read about it! CHOLESTEROL is a building part of our cell membrane in the whole body, without it vitamin D will not be created- we need this vitamin for our healthy bones and immunity, our brain in half consists of cholesterol. Cholesterol mostly made in the liver takes part in hundreds of biochemical reactions. Thanks to the cholesterol our brain works right. As part of the bile helps to digest fats. Without it, our lungs would not work well. It is responsible for the making of the right nerve isolation… If you like my post, please like and share!!! Thanks! Let everybody know about how important the cholesterol is for our body!!
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