Why not try such a light, refreshing and satysfying jelly and yoghurt cake?


– 3 colorful jellies you like-I used orange, strawberry (red) and gooseberry (green) jellies-half of each,

– 3 teaspoons of icing sugar (optional as jellies already contain some sugar),

– a big pot of natural yoghurt 500g,

– a heaped teaspoon of gelatin,

– ½ of teacup of milk,

– a pack of tea biscuits.


How to make:

Pour the milk over the gelatin and leave it to soften; heat the milk up a bit until the gelatin is dissolved completely, stirring constantly so that there are no lumps; cut the jellies in small cubes; prepare bread tin by covering it with a tin-foil and the bottom of it with the biscuits; add the icing sugar to the yoghurt, stir well and pour the gelatin into it, mix with a mixer; pour 1/3 of the obtained mass into the bread tin, throw the jellies in and pour the rest of the mass over them.

Let the cake stay in the fridge overnight. Enjoy!

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