Sprouting- it is something I really enjoy doing. It is really easy. All you need to do is to scatter the seeds on a piece of gauze and water them every day…

The green one would be garden cress sprouts (real peppery, spicy taste, amazing one), my favourite of all the sprouts I tried, and very refreshing, I would eat them on their own too but they are brilliant with any meal)- a great source of magnesium, iron and calcium! The red one would be red cabbage sprouts ( they have a delicate cabbage taste).

Why do I sprout these seeds?
By sprouting I am getting more of the nutritional values of those plants. Seeds store vitamins, minerals and proteins reserves so that all the goodness is passed on to the next generation of plants. However, while sprouting, enzymes that processes all the micro- and macronutrients in a way that are easier for our body to assimilate, get activated.
Great source of vitamins A, B, C and not only, depending on the seeds…
Eating sprouts is very purifying for our body! They speed up our metabolism so do not hesitate and start growing such brilliant wee plants, but with such powerful dimension… 

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