I used to think that it is enough to eat small portions and as little as possible to look and feel amazing. I was like that when I was a teenager. I did not worry about what I was eating outside my home. My parents have been always devoted to fresh, home cooking and wanted us to eat as healthy as possible. I was following it until I started a high school where I started eating a junk food on breaks. This brought me to overeating and eating the wrong foods. I was constantly hungry. I did not pay attention to what I was eating. I was on diet for a while, eating very little and then going back again to the same bad habits of eating the wrong foods! Eventually, I was putting on weight more and more… I know exactly what it is like to go through stages like that where you are motivated enough (at least that is what you think) to stop eating bad things and concentrating on eating fresh, healthy foods or when you can not (no matter what and no matter how bad and guilty you feel after eating the foods you should not have eaten) stop eating whether it is healthy food or not. Only for the last few years I have realized how important and crucial for our health it is to eat healthy and to stay active, no matter what sport you like, as long as you have at least 15 minute walk or a ride on your bike, it will do so much goodness for your body, for your heart and your blood glucose level! No matter what age you are, it is never too late to improve your diet, change your mind on certain subjects concerning healthier nutrition and lifestyle, like lowering your sugar consumption or increasing your activity, it is so easy. All it takes is our motivation, courage and believing in yourself!

I am very happy to introduce the second of my favourite exercises. Here we practise in such relaxing position that is lying down on the mattress. By doing so called…
Exercise no 1
I would like to share with you one of my exercises that I really enjoy doing. It is very relaxing and at the same time wonderful for our buttocks and…
Wheat and gluten free pizza with anchovies and parmesan
Hiya, time for a nourishing bomb, full of veggies and protein… This time wheat and gluten free pizza with anchovies, but also with salami, parmesan, mushrooms and leaf parsley. The…
Are saturated fats really unhealthy?
Now I would like to tell you a bit about studies done . Have you heard about an illness arteriosclerosis? I am sure many of you have. It is a…
A big thought for today!
I know it is not easy but make an effort and believe in yourself, believe in what you are capable of, think TODAY is the day when I change something…
Yummy yolks and whites, but would you believe how good for you?
Why do I love adding a boiled egg to my salad?? Because it is such a great booster for: 1.our eyesight – lutein for sharp and clear eyesight 2. our…
The importance of supplementing K2 for our bones and arteries
Hi guys, today I would like to write a bit about such an important vitamin that is K2! Generally we do not hear really anything about this vitamin that is…
Why do you think HIGH cholesterol is bad for you?
Why do we keep hearing everywhere that the high cholesterol is bad for us and we have to do everything to lower it down… Studies show that in the atherosclerotic…
Easy to make healthy musli bars
My homemade musli bars… a great, healthy, rich in fibre and essential fats snack anytime that will give you nourishment and plenty of energy. Ingredients 1glass of oat flakes half…